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Launch of our first large scale partnership in East India: AcadSpace & MyCoolQ SpellAThon OLYMPIADS

AcadSpace inaugurates Personality Coaching & Career Counselling for 1600+ proud parents. We are motivated by such a positive turn-up & feedback from the crowd & looking forward to help the lovely students achieve their full potential!

Moving ahead, AcadSpace partners with MyCoolQ as our Career Counselling partners of East India where they will help us cater to 100+ schools in the region in the next 3 years.

In today's rapidly evolving world, making career choices can be challenging for young minds. To address this challenge head-on, MyCoolQ is proud to introduce a dedicated career counselling initiative that will provide our students with the support and tools they need to navigate the exciting journey ahead.

Professional Guidance: Our team of experienced and certified career counselors will work closely with students to help them identify their interests, strengths, and goals.

Assessment Tools: We offer state-of-the-art career assessment tools that will help students discover potential career paths aligned with their individual preferences and abilities.

College and Career Research: Our counselors had assisted students in researching colleges, universities, and vocational programs, providing information on admission requirements, financial aid, and career prospects.